Table of Contents
What Should I Look For in A CBD Oil?
You just decided to try CBD Oil after learning about all the health benefits and treatments associated with it. Unfortunately the next step is pretty overwhelming. So which CBD oil is right for me? (sounds like buying a used car). CBD oil can be pretty costly, the trial and error method might not be efficient in this case, plus shooting in the dark is never a good option. Trying to research the matter gets kind of tedious, it seems like there is a lot of scattered information. Hopefully this article will be a solution to that problem, I will try my best to compile all the info on exactly what to look for. You should then be able to confidently make a clear and concise decision on a CBD oil that will suit your needs.
First Decision: Should I Get a Full Spectrum CBD oil or CBD Isolate?
This decision is the basis of all CBD decision making. There are two types of CBD oils: full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. Basically full spectrum CBD oil is better……but there is a catch. Full spectrum CBD oil contains cannabinoids from the whole hemp plant, during the extraction process some trace, but legal amounts of THC are left behind. The effects of full spectrum CBD is felt better because all the cannabinoids work synergistically for the most benefit. But the downfall is the trace amounts of THC. There is a chance that you will false positive on a drug test (if you would like to see my drug test results, you can here).
CBD Isolate is strictly pure CBD. They extract the CBD straight from the hemp seed before THC is a concern. The claim is 0% THC. So it doesn’t work as well as full spectrum, nonetheless it still works. So if the THC is a concern go with a CBD isolate. ( you can learn more about the differences between full spectrum CBD and CBD isolate here).
Next Up: Extraction Method
There are a few different ways of extracting CBD. While some extraction methods can be covered at home. I will only cover the main two methods that CBD manufacturers typically Use. Those two methods are the Co2 extraction method and the Solvent extraction method.
The Co2 extraction method is regarded as a safe method. Sparing most of the complicated science behind this (If you would like to know in depth check out this article), the Co2 method involves compressing Co2 gasses into a liquid, introducing CBD , the CBD gets broken down and then the Co2 gets condensed back to liquid.
This method is safe in terms of processing and its regarded safe in terms of food use. The cons to this method though are that the equipment required for this method is pretty pricey, thus products that use this method tend to be pricier.
The solvent extraction method uses either ethanol, low-grade alcohol or butane. This method is less complex than the Co2 extraction method and is usually more cost effective but it is regarded as a more dangerous process of extraction and the byproducts left behind may be hazardous to health.
Ethanol, low-grade alcohol, and butane are among the most common substances used in Solvent Extraction. Although ethanol extracts the full range of cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant which makes the end product safe for consumption, it also extracts chlorophyll which may lead to some unpleasant side effects. You can remove the chlorophyll by filtering the extract, but you significantly reduce the oil’s potency. Butane offers a stronger oil than ethanol, but it is more likely to contain solvents which could irritate the lungs.-marijuanabreak
CBD Oil Viscosity?
CBD oil viscosity will vary for a few reasons. According to CBD oil should be anywhere from greenish or goldish in color to dark brown and the extraction method and potency will cause a varying in viscosity.
What About Potency?
CBD manufacturers sell a whole variety of milligram strengths. This step unfortunatelly will take some trial and error. Usually companies sell strengths somewhere near 300mg and then it increases in increments to usually around 1000mg (although I have seen as high as 5000mg)
It is usually recommended to start at the lowest milligrams to see how its effects work on you and if you need higher to buy higher. The first time I bought CBD oil I bought something in between (600mg) and it seemed to work fine.
The strength you need is all personal and will vary based on factors like weight, what kind of condition you have and how tolerant you are. severe conditions like seizures and pain will require I higher strength while less severe conditions such as mild anxiety will require less.
What Forms Does CBD Come in?
CBD comes in so many different forms today, the manufacturers are getting very creative with this. The most popular form is the oral tincture. You administer the drops sublinguillaly and wait the recommended time on the bottle before swallowing.
Other common forms include capsules, gummies (or edibles) and topical creams.
The oral tincture and the gummies are my favorite as they seem to work the best. If I was trying CBD for the first time I would stick to either one of those choices.
Another favorable choice is CBD vaping e-liquids. Vaping is a quicker way of administering CBD in your system and less is lost in the process. The vape goes in your lungs and directly into the bloodstream while other means of ingesting it causes you to lose some of the potency due to it going through the digestive tract. But vaping has its downside. People are speculating that it can’t be that safe to your lungs as the liquids contain glycol to thin these CBD oils so they can be vaped. When the glycol is heated up through the vaporizer it turns to formaldehyde, which is going in your lungs. On the plus side you could take the vape with you anywhere and use it when you feel the need to.
Other unconventional forms range from CBD infused teas to CBD infused toothpicks to CBD infused honey and so on. You think of it and they are probably making it.
Third Party Lab Testing and Lab Certificates
This is an important one. Most reputable CBD companies will contain third party lab testing results for their products. You should be able to easily view them when purchasing a product. This ensures that the CBD manufacturers claims are correct. They are usually tested for purity, consistency, potency and safety. A lab result will show you the spectrum of cannabinoids that CBD product contains and amounts of CBD you are getting. Reputable brands should have these certificates to proudly show their products claims.
When in Doubt Call or E-mail
Now that you have an idea of what to look for, it doesnt hurt to call or e-mail a company you are interested in. I called quite a few places and I have only had positive experiences. They are usually very friendly and are very willing to tell you there extraction methods and the type of clientele that uses their product and what makes their product stand out. They are usually extremely helpful and would be glad to answer any additional questions you may have.
There is a whole lot to consider when choosing a CBD oil. The process could be daunting, but with a little information it should ease the process. CBD is one of those things where you get what you pay for. The higher priced CBDs are usually the most potent and use the best extraction methods. But that said if you are using CBD for minor issues, you don’t necessarily have to buy the most expensive products out there, just good quality ones. So hopefully this article eases the decision making and you are a little more knowledgeable of what to look for. If you have anymore questions leave a comment below. Good luck on your CBD buying

I’ve been avidly using CBD to deal with my anxiety, and have been fortunate to do so successfully. I started this blog to share my experience and knowledge with as many people as possible.