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How to Store CBD Oil
So, you’ve just made yourself a new friend.
That’s right! I’m talking about your new bottle of CBD oil.
I bet you didn’t know that there’s a proper way to store CBD oil.
While storing your CBD isn’t as complicated as trying to maintain a friendship, there are some useful tips to know.
Trust me, your new CBD bottle will love you for it, and will maintain its composure if you store it correctly.
Let’s get into the exciting details.
Here’s how to properly preserve your CBD oil to keep it fresh, effective, and help you get the longest shelf life out of it:
Why It’s Important to Store CBD Oil
Here’s the story:
You just spent a whopping 80 dollars on your bottle of CBD oil. What is the last thing you want to happen?
You don’t want your CBD losing its chemical composition. That’s like blowing money down the drain.
Especially if you’re not going to take your CBD every day and just want to keep some on hand; you want to get the most life out of your CBD oil and store it properly.
Full spectrum CBD oil contains hundreds of beneficial components – in addition to CBD – that are subject to faster degradation when exposed a variety of factors.

CBD oil and its constituents are, after all, organic compounds subject to decomposition over time.
Some of these components decompose into smaller substances whereas others decompose into their constituent atoms.
Decomposed compounds are not as active as their parent compounds and in some cases not effective at all. Thus the importance of storing CBD oil properly.
A Note on CBD Expiration Dates
CBD oils typically expire within two years from the date when the oil was first extracted or manufactured.
Most CBD products will come with an expiration date printed somewhere on the packaging (see image).

Although the typical expiration period is two years, this period is subject to variation. The addition of preservatives may prolong the effectiveness of CBD oil beyond that period.
On the other hand:
If an oil is exposed to factors that speed up its degradation (such as sunlight, air, moisture, and heat), then it is not likely to last two years.
Let’s discuss these factors:
How Sunlight Affects CBD Oil
Avoid exposing your CBD oil to sunlight. It’ll get broken down and lose its efficacy.
If you’ve been shopping for CBD oil already, you may have noticed that most tincture bottles are dark and opaque.
This is intentional because exposing CBD oil to sunlight exposes it to UV light which can break down CBD and other constituent compounds.
Sunlight primarily consists of infrared radiation, visible light, and ultraviolet (UV) light.
The former (infrared and visible light) are low energy light waves, meaning they’re not likely to break down compounds.
The latter (UV light), is a high energy light wave that can easily break down numerous chemicals such as CBD.
UV light can break the chemical bonds that hold the atoms of CBD oil’s constituent compounds together.
It does this by bombarding these bonds with powerful photons that cause the bonds to vibrate at higher frequencies.
At some threshold, the bonds vibrate at a high enough energy and eventually snap, as shown in the figure below. This permanently damages the CBD molecules.

Optimal Temperature for CBD
It’s best to store CBD oil below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
This means that you can generally store your CBD oil at room temperature.
Depending on the composition of your CBD oil and what ingredients your brand has added to it (common carrier oils are MCT or hemp oil), it may begin to melt at different temperatures.
In general, oils begin to take on a paste-like consistency at around 70 degrees and slowly solidify as the temperature gets colder.
For long-term storage of CBD, you may refrigerate or even freeze the oil. Chilling the oil is preferred to storing it at room temperature.
The reason for this is that even moderate temperatures, over long periods of time, can cause some of the compounds inside the CBD oil to decompose.
For example:
It’s widely known that high temperatures can cause THCA found in cannabis to decompose to THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana, also present in trace amounts – less than 0.3% – in CBD oil).
Heat and light combined can cause THC to degrade even further to CBN (Cannabinol, which is a non-psychoactive component also found in CBD oil).
Heat leads to the decomposition of many cannabinoids in CBD oil, so it’s best to avoid high temperatures.
You may consider storing your CBD oil in a refrigerator. This is a viable option but make sure it is sealed tightly to avoid exposure to moisture.
One disadvantage of this, however, is that you may need to thaw the oil before every use if it solidifies.
Why Exposing CBD to Air is Bad
Keep your CBD oil in an airtight bottle.
Air contains various gases that may react with the compounds found in CBD and alter CBD’s composition.
The primary constituent gases found in air are Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), and Argon(1%). Nitrogen is known to be rather inert and unreactive.
Oxygen is a highly reactive gas that can react with many compounds and alter them.
This phenomenon is known as oxidation, and you want to avoid your CBD (and other cannabinoids found in CBD oil) getting oxidized because they lose their efficacy.
Air may also be high in water content on a humid day or if you live in a moist environment. This can also be bad for CBD as we’ll see below.
Finally, Avoid Exposing CBD to Moisture
Last but not least, keep your CBD oil away from moisture.
Water can react with CBD and other cannabinoids in a reaction termed “hydrolysis.”
It’s a complicated type of reaction, but in summary, water can “attack” chemical bonds found in CBD molecules and break them.
Having a storage bottle with a tight cap/lid can help avoid this type of damage to CBD oil.
To Conclude: Storing CBD Oil Properly
In summary, you want to avoid exposing CBD to:
- Sunlight
- High Temperatures
- Air
- Moisture
That’s why CBD companies typically sell their CBD oil in airtight, UV-blocking amber bottles.
Simply put, your CBD wants to be stored like a bat.
A cold, dry, and dark place is optimal, free from light and other oxidizing agents (such as air and water).
Placing your CBD oil in an airtight bottle, in a cool & dry pantry cabinet is a great option. This will ensure that you get the highest efficacy and most extended shelf life out of your CBD.

I’ve been avidly using CBD to deal with my anxiety, and have been fortunate to do so successfully. I started this blog to share my experience and knowledge with as many people as possible.