cbd oil vs hemp oil

CBD Oil Vs. Hemp Oil (The SURPRISING Little-Known Differences)

CBD Oil Vs. Hemp Oil

So, you’ve heard of CBD oil and found out that it’s derived from hemp. So you wonder, how come there’s also hemp oil for sale on the market? It’s confusing, what’s the difference between CBD oil vs. hemp oil? Are they the same thing?

Well, the short answer is no. CBD oil and hemp oil are not the same thing.

There’s a big misconception between hemp oil and CBD oil. People often use the two interchangeably. Although CBD oil and hemp oil can come from the same plant, they are two separate oils, with two different effects and benefits.

So what’s the difference between CBD oil vs. hemp oil then?

I’ll explain both CBD oil and hemp oil individually and maybe we can make sense of this together.


CBD Oil vs hemp oil

CBD oil (Cannabidiol) is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid of the hemp plant. It is one of at least 113 cannabinoids identified in hemp and accounts for a majority of the plant’s extract (up to 40%!).

CBD oil can also be called hemp derived CBD oil, or hemp extract oil (some states are not allowed to use the word “CBD” in their CBD products and therefore have to call it hemp extract oil, which is not to be confused with hemp seed oil).

CBD oil is medicinally useful as a treatment for a whole assortment of illnesses and has been dubbed a “powerful new form of medical marijuana” by the Washington Post. The FDA has approved CBD oil as a prescription drug called Epidiolex for epilepsy.

Don’t confuse CBD with THC, the most active ingredient found in the Cannabis plant. While THC may have psychoactive effects (i.e., making the user “high”), CBD has no such effect whatsoever (CBD is not psychoactive). There are different ways to take CBD, such as direct inhalation (vaping), aerosol sprays, or by mouth.

CBD oil is derived through a specific extraction method of the hemp plant. It’s a colorless liquid unless dyed. Exposing CBD to air is not recommended because it gets oxidized to quinone.

CBD Oil’s Effects and Uses

CBD exerts its effects by binding to receptors in the body that are specific to it. More specifically, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (most specifically the CB1 and CB2 receptors) to maintain homeostasis (balance) in the body’s functions.

The body contains CB1 receptors in almost every organ, but mostly in the brain. The CB1 receptors found in the brain deal with myriad functions such as pain, emotion, and thinking. On the other hand, CB2 receptors are mostly in the immune system. They affect inflammation and pain.

CBD oil has a variety of benefits. The most notable of these is its ability to provide pain relief and helping reduce anxiety. The benefits are not limited to only that though; CBD helps users quit smoking, avoid withdrawal symptoms, fight acne and even prevents the development of social recognition impairments in Alzheimer’s patients.

More recently, CBD was proved capable of reducing inflammation in diabetes patients, reducing neurodegeneration, and possibly having anti-cancer properties.

CBD oil, just as with other compounds, is not without its side effects. The good news is that CBD doesn’t exert any negative side effects on the central nervous system. Some studies showed minor side effects to CBD use, however, such as tiredness, changes in appetite, and weight loss.

Hemp Oil

Hemp oil (more correctly defined as hemp seed oil) is more nutritional than medicinal. Edible oils (roughly 50%) make up the majority of its composition. Hemp oil is high in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids with a perfect 3:1 ratio in addition to other essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid.

cbd vs hemp oil

Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are both super important in the body. They are good for lowering blood pressure, growth and repair, and reducing inflammation. They are also essential fatty acids, which means that the human body cannot synthesize them and hence, must ingest them.

Aside from essential fatty acids, hemp oil is also a great source of plant based protein and amino acids.

Similar to CBD oil (which is also anti-inflammatory), hemp oil works great on skin affected with acne.

Hemp oil comes from cold pressing the hemp seed and contains miniscule amounts of CBD and THC. Hemp oil generally has a more nutty earthy flavor to it and a light to dark green color. It is primary use is as a nutritional supplement. It is not the same as hash oil (hash oil contains the psychoactive compound THC, whereas hemp oil does not).

Health care products heavily utilize hemp oil, especially hair care products. It moisturizes the scalp and helps prevent damage to hair follicles.

A variety of other products also incorporate hemp oil, such as:

  • Plastic bags
  • Moisturizers
  • Soap
  • Cooking oils

Some uncommon products that use hemp oil are:

  • Wood varnish
  • Oil paints
  • Puddy


Well, that was easy. The differences between CBD oil vs. Hemp oil should not be so confusing anymore.

Both hemp oil (hemp seed oil) and CBD oil do not contain THC (trace amounts of it in some cases, but below the legal limit) which means that they won’t exert any psychoactive effects (i.e. no “high” effect). The hemp plant is the source of CBD oil and hemp oil.

The simple differences between CBD oil and hemp oil are that CBD oil is medicinal whereas Hemp oil is nutritional. Hemp oil is a good source of supplementary essential fatty acids and amino acids (such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids). CBD oil on the other hand has many well studied and proven medical effects. These include but are not limited to helping reduce the negative symptoms of numerous neurological disorders such as anxiety, epilepsy, migraines, and Alzheimer’s.

I’ve been avidly using CBD to deal with my anxiety, and have done so successfully. I started this blog to share my experience and knowledge with as many people as possible.

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